Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Finished Project!

I am so excited to have this project done! I think it turned out really cute and it's nice to finally have something on the wall. Just a few more things left to be completely ready for the baby!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Getting ready for Emmett!!

I am 28 weeks today. Well over halfway done. The baby is really active at this point and moving around all the time while I am sitting or laying down. We are getting so excited for the new addition to our family and it's going to sneak right up on us. We finally decided on a name for our sweet baby boy. His name will be Emmett Jay Fairchild, a.k.a. Our little Monkey! We have slowly, but surely, been getting the baby's room together. There are a few things here and there that we still need, but we are hoping we will be prepared once he arrives. Thanks to everyone for your love and support!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's a BOY!

I had an ultrasound appointment yesterday to find out the gender of the baby @ 18 weeks. We were happy to find out the baby is going to be a sweet little boy! The doctor said that he weighs 9 oz, which is on the big side, but could be from ovulating early. I have gained about 9 lbs since my last appt about a month ago, wow, no wonder he is so big. We have thrown some names around, but coming to an agreement is kind of tough. When we know for sure I will definitely post it. 5 more months to go and then we finally get to meet him.

Looking at baby! You can see his eyes.

Side view

Oh, it's definately a boy!

Look at his little toes!

He almost looks like he is sucking his thumb like mommy used to do!